

Growing and Protecting crops Differently

The French Priority Research Programme "Cultiver Protéger Autrement” (Growing and Protecting crops Differently) is launched with the ambition of finding new strategies for an alternative to pesticides. With this programme, research is being mobilised with a global vision. Different scientific fronts will be explored to acquire new knowledge that will reinforce society's efforts to do without pesticides.


02 June 2022

Dijon, France

[EVENT] European Scientific Conference - Towards a pesticide-free agriculture

Invitation to the European Scientific Conference "What research to meet the objectives of the European Green Deal on the reduction of the use of pesticides?" on June 2 and 3, 2022 in Dijon (France). Registration is free and open from February 22, 2022 to May 20, 2022.

20 October 2021

Paris & online

[EVENT] 2021 International Conference : Social sciences for pesticide policies

Registrations open on September 20. Full program available. Note that if you choose to participate to all sessions, you need to register to each session otherwise you won't receive the access link.
21 03

Save The Date - The restitution conference of the foresight study on pathways to chemical pesticide-free agriculture in Europe in 2050 will be held in Paris and online on March 21, 2023.

Applications opened to join the VITAE project of the "Cultiver, Protéger Autrement" PPR within the UMR INRA-UdS (Santé de la Vigne et Qualité du Vin) at the INRAE Grand Est-Colmar centre. The thesis is expected to start in October 2023.

Master 2 internship 6 months from January to June 2023