
PPR Growing and Protecting crops Differently

What is it?

The French Priority Research Programme "Growing and Protecting crops Differently" (PPR-CPA) was launched in 2019 by the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and by the General Secretariat for Investment. PPR-CPA is a 30 millions euros (about $35 millions) programme that will operate for 6 years supporting by INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Our ambition through this programme is to support the transition towards a pesticide-free world.

In this context, 10  research projects has been funded based on the 2019 call for proposals which included agroecological approaches and prophylaxis processes. In order to reach the 2030 Green Deal's goals, these research projects work on new agricultural systems and develop new knowledge from different scientific disciplines to grow and protect crops differently.

Scientific support tools and studies are deployed: the ASIRPA Real Time Evaluation and a 2050 Foresight study

In addition and to promote a collaborative research, PPR-CPA conducts a scientific coordination and animation for the next 6 years. Once a year, a scientific international workshop is planned for the scientific community, supported by the European Alliance. Professional - researchers' meetings are also organised every year to maintain a dialogue in every concerned agricultural sectors. Many other events and communication actions like podcasts, interviews, articles are carried out and will be available on this website. 


In this section

Florence Jacquet Directrice de recherche Inrae et directrice scientifique du PPR CPA

France’s ‘Cultiver Protéger Autrement’ (Growing and protecting crops differently) national priority research programme has been launched with the aim of finding new strategies that offer an alternative to pesticides. Research is key to the programme’s success and is being employed with a global vision. All scientific frontiers will be explored in order to gain new knowledge and strengthen society’s efforts to dispense with pesticides