Restitution conference - 2050 Foresight Study

[Event] Restitution conference of the foresight study “Pathways to chemical pesticide-free agriculture in Europe in 2050”

21 March 2023

Paris & online

Save The Date - The restitution conference of the foresight study on pathways to chemical pesticide-free agriculture in Europe in 2050 will be held in Paris and online on March 21, 2023.

The negative impacts of chemical pesticide use on the environment, biodiversity and health have become a major concern for citizens and consumers, and have been addressed by European and national public policies. In view of the limited impacts of the measures set up to reduce the use of pesticides, there is a need for research to shift from reducing their use, to conceiving chemical pesticide-free agriculture.

The foresight study "Pathways to chemical pesticide-free agriculture in Europe in 2050" has been conducted as part of the French national Priority Research Programme "Growing and Protecting crops Differently" led by INRAE. During two years, the foresight has been exploring the conditions for chemical pesticide-free agriculture in Europe, mobilizing around hundred researchers, including participants and coordinators of the research projects funded by the Priority Research Programme "Growing and Protecting crops Differently", and stakeholders. Linked to the European Research Alliance "Towards a Chemical Pesticide Free Agriculture", the foresight study developed a systemic approach connecting chemical pesticide-free cropping systems with the evolution of food systems, diets, territories, public policies, taking into account climate change. The foresight study has generated scenarios of chemical pesticide-free agriculture in the European Union in 2050, answering three questions.

  • What could be the different forms of a chemical pesticide-free agriculture and food systems in Europe in 2050?
  • With what impacts on land use, production, trade and greenhouse gas emissions?
  • What could be the different pathways towards these different forms of chemical pesticide-free agriculture?

The outcomes of this study will be presented on March 21st, 2023, during a one-day conference in Paris (Grand amphithéâtre de la MGEN, 3 square Max-Hymans 75015 Paris). It will be possible to follow the symposium and to ask questions remotely.

More information on INRAE webpage.

Preliminary programme:

  • Introduction by representatives of the French ministries who requested the foresight study
  • Presentation of results 
    • Objectives and method
    • Changes in crop protection and value chains for pesticide-free agriculture in Europe in 2050
    • Scenarios for pesticide-free agriculture in Europe in 2050 and transition pathways
    • Quantitative simulations of these scenarios: production, land use, trade, GHG emissions
  • Roundtable 1: discussion of the foresight scenarios

Lunch break

  • Public policies for a transition towards chemical pesticide-free agriculture in 2050
    • Presentation
    • Roundtable 2: articulating the foresight study scenarios with European policies
  • Transition pathway towards a chemical pesticide-free agriculture in 2050
    • European case studies illustrating the scenarios:  regional transition pathways towards pesticide-free agriculture (Finland, France, Italy, Romania)
    • Roundtable 3: articulating research and development facilities, scales of intervention, sectors and territories for the European transition
  • Concluding speech by Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE

