
Growing and Protecting crops Differently

The French Priority Research Programme "Cultiver Protéger Autrement” (Growing and Protecting crops Differently) is launched with the ambition of finding new strategies for an alternative to pesticides. With this programme, research is mobilized very strongly and with a global vision. All science fronts will be explored to gain new knowledge that will strengthen society's efforts to do without pesticides


30 November 2023

Angers - Avignon

[EVENT] Rencontre Chercheurs - Professionnels (#RCP23) - Sortir des pesticides en arboriculture : Quelles stratégies ?

Ouverture des inscriptions jusqu'au 15 novembre 2023.

21 March 2023

Paris & online

[Event] Restitution conference of the foresight study “Pathways to chemical pesticide-free agriculture in Europe in 2050”

Save The Date - The restitution conference of the foresight study on pathways to chemical pesticide-free agriculture in Europe in 2050 will be held in Paris and online on March 21, 2023.
Invitation to the European Scientific Conference "What research to meet the objectives of the European Green Deal on the reduction of the use of pesticides?" on June 2 and 3, 2022 in Dijon (France). Registration is free and open from February 22, 2022 to May 20, 2022.
Florence Jacquet Directrice de recherche Inrae et directrice scientifique du PPR CPA
France’s ‘Cultiver Protéger Autrement’ (Growing and protecting crops differently) national priority research programme has been launched with the aim of finding new strategies that offer an alternative to pesticides. Research is key to the programme’s success and is being employed with a global vision. All scientific frontiers will be explored in order to gain new knowledge and strengthen society’s efforts to dispense with pesticides