Mobilizing and Breeding Intra and inter-specific crop Diversity for a systemic change towards pesticide-free agriculture

Integrative project

First, MoBiDiv will uncover the diversification dynamics in France and technico-socio-economic drivers, e.g., using state-of-the-art reviews of farmers’ practices.

Second, it aims at deciphering the mechanisms of plant-plant interactions promoting bioagressor control, combining genetic and functional ecology approaches, coupled with statistical and mechanistic modelling approaches. These mechanisms will be mobilized in field trials, designing gradients of genetic and functional diversity, and assessing their impact on incidence and adaptation of bioagressors, as well as ecosystem services.

Third, it will develop innovative approaches to deal with the complexity of mixtures at the breeding, assembly and evaluation steps, and will propose both in-firm and on-farm breeding approaches along with tailored statistical methods.

Fourth, it will implement participatory approaches to design, breed and evaluate a wider range of mixtures, varieties and populations adapted to local contexts.

Fifth, it will investigate scenarios and anticipated impacts of new market standards, funding and organization of research and extensiob services to promote crop diversification.

Coordination: Jérôme Enjalbert, Genetics Quantitative & Evolution (GQE) Joint Research Unit, INRAE and Aline Fugeray-Scarbel, Grenoble Applied Economy Laboratory (GAEL) Joint Research Unit, INRAE

MOBIDIV website